Dynamic & Static Apnea Speciality Certification

Dynamic & Static Apnea Speciality Certification


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Dynamic and Static Apnea Speciality Course

Why book one when you can book both and save £50!!

Make a day of it by doing your Dynamic apnea course in the morning and after a break for lunch dive straight into your Static apnea course

Whether you are a beginner freediver, spearfisher, scuba diver, or an experienced freediver wanting to advance your skills or prepare for competition the RAID Dynamic Apnea course is for you!!

As always, we’ll make sure you never exceed your own limits or comfort zone – you set a pace that you’re comfortable with.


Dynamic and Static Apnea Speciality Course

Why book one when you can book both and save £50!!

Make a day of it by doing your Static Apnea course in the morning and after a break for lunch dive straight into your Dynamic Apnea course

Here’s a little more information about each course:

The RAID Static Apnea Speciality Course is for anyone looking to master the mentally demanding discipline of static breath-holding in freediving. ​ Whether you are a beginner or an experienced freediver, this course is for you. ​ Learn relaxation techniques, visualization strategies, and the important role of a buddy in static apnea. ​ This course will help you gain the knowledge and confidence to excel in static apnea and take your freediving skills to new depths. ​

The RAID Dynamic Apnea Speciality Course is for those who wish to learn how to perform dynamic apnea safely and confidently. You will discover new techniques for both relaxation and mental focus, and learn techniques to practice and improve your performance. You will also learn how to buddy correctly and safely for dynamic apnea, including how to rescue your buddy in the unlikely event they have a hypoxic episode.

This course is a comprehensive training program designed to provide new freedivers and experienced freedivers with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in dynamic apnea swims. ​ The course focuses specifically on dynamic apnea with bi-fins (DYNB) and dynamic apnea no fins (DNF). ​ Students will learn proper techniques, including buoyancy control, streamlining, and finning techniques.

Course Times:

Static Apnea Speciality Course: 10am – 12:30pm (You must arrive at 9:30am)

Dynamic Apnea Speciality Course: 1:30 – 4pm



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