Master Freediver Course

RAID Master Freediver

RAID Master Freediver, Emma Farrell and freediver with Monofin in Red Sea, Egypt

The RAID Master Freediver course is the apex of the RAID Freediving program and demonstrates your arrival as truly accomplished freediver

In the pool you’ll be holding your breath for at least 3 minutes 30 seconds and swimming dynamic at least 75 metres. You’ll learn new techniques to counter depth effects and performing deeper and more complicated rescues. In the classroom you’ll examine in more detail the physiology, psychology and physics of freediving, such as how diving to 30m and beyond affects the residual volume of your lungs. The RAID Master Freediver course from Go Freediving is the specialist deep diving qualification that will equip you with everything you need to know to take you into the deep blue and beyond!

Course details

Your RAID Master Freediver course begins when you book your place. We’ll email you an information pack containing everything you need to know about the course, our suggestions for preparing, as well as information about accommodation and logistics.

We’ll also send you a link to the RAID Master Freediver theory materials and course handbook, which is provided online by RAID. All of your course materials are accessed online and they’re kept up-to-date by RAID, so that after your course you’ll have lifetime access to the very latest guidance and information. Home study means you can familiarise yourself with the basics at your own pace and will mean more time for you in the water over the weekend of the course.

You must complete the theory and pass the final exam before the date of your booked course or you will not be allowed in the water.

What’s included

  • Pool hire
  • Theory material
  • Tuition
  • Equipment hire

Not included

  • Vobster Quay entry fee (details)
  • Food and refreshments
  • Transfer between venues
  • Overnight accommodation


Wetsuit hire is included in the price of your course however if you have your own we recommend you use it. If you own a scuba wetsuit you can use that – we recommend a minimum suit thickness of 5mm. Triathlon wetsuits are not suitable as they tend to be too thin and usually don’t include a hood.

Club members can save £50 on a RAID Master Freediver course

These people loved it!

I would recommend this course for anyone who is curious about their personal potential because of the feeling when you reach a personal plateau and then progress. This is a fantastic course. For me, the overall confidence I feel when I’m doing a dive has doubled since taking this course. 

Nick Kenny, RAID Master Freediver Course

It’s weird because 30 metres on the line, during the Advanced course seemed like a long long way, and then doing 33 metres yesterday on the Master course felt really quick.  It’s a great course, anyone who’s done the stepping stones before, don’t put a limit on yourself. 

I enjoyed being challenged more and diving with people who are quite a lot better than what I have been diving with on the training weekends. So it has been a lot more challenging. The benefits of this course are that you go deeper, you can challenge yourself, learn more while having fun

Henry Sage, RAID Master Freediver Course

Taking this course was a natural step. The next thing. I also liked the practical application of advanced theory. You can read books, but you need the teaching, people who have got the experience doing what it is you’re trying to do. You need to get in the water and do it.

Tom Elliott, RAID Master Freediver Course

I’d definitely recommend the course. It’s a really safe sport when it’s done properly and that’s the main thing. The big take away for me was the one-on-one time. There’s been so much time spent with us as individuals that that’s really helped.