If you’ve arrived at this page, the chances are you have already been in touch with us expressing an interest in becoming a freediving instructor.
What does the Freediving Instructor Training Programme involve?

What about the theory?

- Online course work and assessments
- Tutorials via Zoom
- Classroom based theory
- Individual assessments and feedback
Practical Commitments
2 x Day One RAID Freediver Courses (in the capacity of trainee instructor/assistant).2 x Day Two RAID Freediver Courses (in the capacity of trainee instructor/assistant).You can either attend a course for the full two days, or split your attendance for individual days to suit your commitments. Entry to Vobster is not included in your course fees.8 x Pool Training sessions in the capacity of trainee instructor/ assistant and for personal freediving development (these can be undertaken at Bath or Poole or an external freediving club subject to approval). You will need to pay for these sessions.2 x Pool Training sessions for training and assessment – these sessions are included in your course costs.2 x full weekends for assessment (assessment days can also be done on our red sea holiday).
16 – 17 May 2022
28 – 29 May 2022
11 – 12 June 2022
25 – 26 June 2022
9 – 10 July 2022
23 – 24 July 2022
3 – 4 September 2022
1 – 2 October 2022
What qualifications must I have to be eligible to become a Freediving Instructor?
What can I expect to earn as an instructor with Go Freediving?
Any cost such as food, travel, accommodation is NOT provided.

How much does the course cost?
The course costs £1,499. It is possible to pay in instalments – A payment of £200 every monthIf you are a RAID master freediver and take the advanced freediving instructor qualification then there is an extra fee of $100 plus VAT to cover the advanced course materials and certification. If you go down this route then we will work out the exchange rate at the time and charge you appropriately. Go Freediving is usually able to obtain a small discount on this price.The instructor course price includes:
- Instructor materials for the RAID Freediving Instructor course
- RAID membership
- Three months of Breathing Optimisation classes
- Certification up to RAID freediving instructor (depending on performance)
- Pool entry for two sessions
- All tuition and assessments
- All Zoom communication
The course DOES NOT include:
- Mandatory Go Freediving Club Membership during your course
- Entry to Vobster
- Pool Session Entry for extra sessions
- First Aid and CPR certification (mandatory for all RAID advanced freedivers and higher)
Are there any additional costs?
What else do I need to know?
Contact Emma to book your course –
Performance Requirements for a RAID Freediving Instructor
RAID Freediver Instructor
Freediving Instructor – Confined Water
- Perform core freediving skills to instructor standard
Demonstrate mastery of the core skills of confined water freediving including breathing, finning, head and body positioning, turns, all pool disciplines, and correct weighting for neutral buoyancy in confined water.
- Perform core safety skills to instructor standard
Demonstrate mastery of the core safety skills of confined water freediving, including buddying and rescue across all pool disciplines.
- Perform an Instructor level STA breath hold for three minutes minimum
Mastered static apnea techniques and performed a minimum of a three minute breath-hold without hypoxia, while using the buddy system safety method of direct supervision.
- Perform instructor level DYN technique to 55 metres /181 feet
Mastered DYN freediving using correct finning techniques, turns, body and head position and remaining calm and in control at all times for a minimum of 55 metres /181 feet without hypoxia.
- Perform instructor level DNF technique to 30m or 100ft minimum
Demonstrate mastery of DNF technique for a minimum of 30 metres with correct turns.
- Perform instructor level dynamic dolphin kick technique to 30m or 100ft minimum
Demonstrate mastery of the dolphin kick technique for freediving with both feet together side by side for a minimum of 30 metres with correct turns.
- Perform removal of unconscious diver from the water
Demonstrate removal of an unconscious diver from the water, check airways, breathing and circulation, call for help and simulate CPR with rescue breaths.
- Perform at least 4 successful instructor presentations of in water teaching for confined water freediving, two of which must be buddying/rescue related
Using clear objectives, stating value, maintaining group control and safety, giving instructor level demonstration, providing helpful feedback and suggestions on student problems recognized, de-briefing and maintaining professionalism.
Freediving Instructor – Open Water
- Perform core freediving skills to instructor standard.
Demonstrate mastery of the core skills of open water freediving including breathing, the Frenzel equalisation technique, duck dive, finning, head and body positioning, orientation to the line, lanyard use, correct weighting for neutral buoyancy between 10 and 12 metres, correct turns at depth, and appropriate use of buoyancy during a dive.
- Perform core safety skills to instructor standard.
Demonstrate mastery of the core safety skills of open water freediving, including set up of a freediving line and buoy and adjustment of depth, buddying and rescue.
- Perform an Instructor level CWT freedive using a lanyard to a minimum of 25 metres/ 82 feet using bi-fins
Master CWT freediving to a minimum depth of 25 metres/ 82 feet using bi-fins and a freediving lanyard, with correct technique and body positioning, responding to negative and positive buoyancy appropriately, without hypoxia, and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform an Instructor level CNF freedive using a lanyard to a depth of 15 metres / 50 feet
Master CNF freediving techniques using a lanyard, to a minimum depth of 15 metres /50 feet, with correct technique and body positioning, responding to negative and positive buoyancy appropriately, without hypoxia, and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform an Instructor level FIM freedive using a lanyard to a minimum of 20 metres
Master FIM techniques using a lanyard, to a minimum depth of 15 metres /50 feet, with correct technique and body positioning, responding to negative and positive buoyancy appropriately, without hypoxia, and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform an Instructor level CWT freedive to 15m /50 feet 5 times using a lanyard, with a 1 minute surface interval between each dive
Mastered CWT freediving to 15 metres /50 feet 5 times using a lanyard with only 1 minute surface interval between each dive, with correct technique and body positioning, responding to negative and positive buoyancy appropriately, without hypoxia, and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform an Instructor level SWB rescue of a freediver from a minimum depth of 15 metres / 50 feet after a minimum of a 15 second hang, followed by a 25 metre tow with rescue breaths
Perform a CWT freedive to a minimum depth of 15 metres / 50 feet using bi-fins, remain at that depth for a minimum of 15 seconds, and then master the rescue of a freediver from that depth, using the Rescue Response Revive protocol on the surface, removing the diver’s lanyard, and performing a surface tow with regular rescue breaths for a minimum of 25 metres, whilst remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform a rope retrieval of a freediver from 20 metres
Demonstrate pulling the dive line up from the surface, bringing the line and freediver attached via a lanyard or 10 kg bottom weight to the surface from 20 metres, followed by the Rescue Response Revive protocol on the surface and a surface tow with rescue breaths every five seconds for a minimum of 25 metres, whilst maintaining the casualty’s airways out of the water and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform at least 4 successful instructor presentations of in water teaching for open water freediving, two of which must be buddying/rescue related
Using clear objectives, stating value, maintaining group control and safety, giving instructor level demonstration, providing helpful feedback and suggestions on student problems recognized, de-briefing and maintaining professionalism.
RAID Advanced Freediving Instructor
Advanced Freediving Instructor – Confined Water
- Perform core freediving skills to instructor standard
Demonstrate mastery of the core skills of confined water freediving including breathing, finning, head and body positioning, turns, all pool disciplines, and correct weighting for neutral buoyancy in confined water.
- Perform core safety skills to instructor standard
Demonstrate mastery of the core safety skills of confined water freediving, including buddying and rescue across all pool disciplines
- Perform instructor level DNF technique to 50m /165 feet minimum
Demonstrate mastery of DNF technique for a minimum of 50 metres with correct turns and without hypoxia.
- Perform instructor level dynamic dolphin kick technique to 50m /165 feet minimum
Demonstrate mastery of the dolphin kick technique for freediving with both feet together side by side for a minimum of 50 metres with correct turns and without hypoxia.
If the candidate is a RAID freediving Instructor and has not completed the RAID Master Freediver Course, then in addition to the above, they must complete the following skills:
- Perform an instructor level STA breath hold for three and a half minutes minimum
Demonstrate mastery of STA techniques and perform a minimum of a three and a half minute breath-hold without hypoxia, while using the buddy system safety method of direct supervision.
- Perform instructor level buddying and coaching for STA, and responding appropriately to the diver
Demonstrate mastery of buddying for a freediver performing a STA hold, including clear communication before and during the hold, correct and appropriate handling of the diver, verbal coaching, recognition of issues and the taking of appropriate action, and correct buddy procedures at the end of the breath hold.
- Perform an instructor level DYN swim to 75 metres or 246 feet minimum
Mastered DYN freediving using correct finning techniques, turns, body and head position and remaining calm and in control at all times for a minimum of 75 metres /246 feet without hypoxia.
Advanced Freediving Instructor – Open Water
- Perform core freediving skills to instructor standard
Demonstrate mastery of the core skills of open water freediving including breathing, the mouth-fill Frenzel equalisation technique, FRC diving, duck dive, finning, head and body positioning, orientation to the line, lanyard use, correct weighting for neutral buoyancy between 10 and 12 metres, correct turns at depth, and appropriate use of buoyancy during a dive.
- Perform core safety skills to instructor standard
Demonstrate mastery of the core safety skills of open water freediving, including set up of a freediving line and buoy and adjustment of depth, buddying and rescue.
- Perform an Instructor level CWT freedive using a lanyard to a minimum of 35 metres/ 115 feet using bi-fins.
Master CWT freediving to a minimum depth of 35 metres/ 115 feet using bi-fins and a freediving lanyard, using mouth-fill Frenzel equalisation, with correct technique and body positioning, responding to negative and positive buoyancy appropriately, without hypoxia, and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform an Instructor level CNF freedive using a lanyard to a depth of 20 metres / 66 feet
Master CNF freediving techniques to a minimum depth of 20 metres /66 feet with correct technique and body positioning, responding to negative and positive buoyancy appropriately, without hypoxia, and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform an Instructor level FIM freedive using a lanyard to a minimum of 30 metres
Master FIM techniques to a minimum depth of 30 metres /100 feet using mouth-fill Frenzel equalisation technique, with correct technique and body positioning, responding to negative and positive buoyancy appropriately, without hypoxia, and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform an Instructor level CWT freedive to 20m /66 feet 5 times using a lanyard, with a 1 minute surface interval between each dive
Mastered CWT freediving to 20 metres /66 feet using a lanyard 5 times with a 1 minute surface interval between each dive, with correct technique and body positioning, responding to negative and positive buoyancy appropriately, without hypoxia, and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform a rope retrieval of a freediver from 25 metres
Demonstrate pulling the dive line up from the surface, bringing the line and freediver attached via a lanyard or 10 kg bottom weight to the surface from 25 metres, followed by the Rescue Response Revive protocol on the surface, and a surface tow with rescue breaths every five seconds for a minimum of 50 metres, whilst maintaining the casualty’s airways out of the water and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform at least 2 successful instructor presentations of in water teaching for open water freediving from the Master freediver course, one of which must be FRC or mouth-fill freediving
Using clear objectives, stating value, maintaining group control and safety, giving instructor level demonstration, providing helpful feedback and suggestions on student problems recognized, de-briefing and maintaining professionalism.
If the candidate is a RAID freediving Instructor and has not completed the RAID Master Freediver Course, then in addition to the above, they must complete the following skills:
- Perform an instructor level no-fins ascent using a lanyard from a minimum depth of 20 metres / 66 feet
Perform a duck dive and CWT freedive to a minimum depth of 20 metres / 66 feet using bi-fins and a freediving lanyard, and ascend using the arms only (not touching the dive line), to simulate leg cramps, whilst remaining orientated to the line, calm and in control at all times, and without hypoxia.
- Perform an instructor level mask off ascent using a lanyard from a minimum depth of 20 metres / 66 feet
Perform a duck dive and CWT freedive to a minimum depth of 20 metres / 66 feet using bi-fins and a freediving lanyard, and ascend without the mask, to simulate loss of mask at depth, using CWT and/or FIM techniques, and remaining orientated to the line, calm and in control at all times, and without hypoxia.
- Perform an instructor level SWB rescue of a freediver from 15 metres depth after a 15 second hang at 10 metres
Perform a descent to 10 metres depth, remain at that depth for a minimum of 15 seconds, and then descend further to 15 metres and rescue a freediver from that depth, using the Rescue Response Revive protocol on the surface and remaining calm and in control at all times.
- Perform an instructor level SWB rescue of a freediver from a minimum depth of 20 metres / 66 feet followed by a 25 metre tow with rescue breaths
Perform a CWT freedive to a minimum depth of 20 metres / 66 feet using bi-fins, and master the rescue of a freediver from that depth, using the Rescue Response Revive protocol on the surface, removing the diver’s lanyard and performing a surface tow with rescue breaths every five seconds for a minimum of 25 metres, whilst remaining calm and in control at all times.
The old standards for the RAID Freediver and RAID Advanced Freediver courses are below for reference:
RAID Freediving Instructor
RAID Advanced Freediving Instructor
Introduction from Emma
Welcome to the wonderful world of teaching freediving!
The information on this page is intended to prepare you for your Go Freediving Instructor Course – it covers everything you need to know about your course and what you need to do beforehand to ensure you have the best possible time in the water, so please read everything carefully.
If you have any questions at all about the course or anything on this page, please do get in touch:
I look forward to seeing you in the water!
What’s included in your course price

- All RAID Instructor course materials (worth £234)
- RAID membership (worth $180)
- Three months of Breathing Optimisation classes (worth £306)
- All tuition
- Two pool night entry costs
- Certification upon course completion
What’s not included:
- Entry fees to Vobster Quay (currently £21 a day; see Vobster Quay membership further down this column for more details)
- Entry costs to our Pool Training Sessions (Currently £15 per session)
- Go Freediving Club Membership
- Travel and subsistence
Contact Emma to book your place today at
Our cancellation Policy:
Important: Please read our Terms and Conditions, including cancellation policy here: