An Online Freediving Course Is Just The Start!

It's the start of our 2019 season - which can only mean one thing! It's the start of our RAID Freediver courses too! Last week saw our first RAID freediver students arrive at Glebe House ready for the practical elements of their freediving course. Each student had already completed their online freediving course materials, so were ready to go!


Why learning to be a safe freediving buddy is so important

When a student chooses to do a freediving course,  while their primary objective in most cases, is to become a safe freediver, they will also be expected to learn how to be a safe freediving buddy too. Any responsible freediver will ensure they have a qualified freeediving buddy with them at all times - one who is trained and able to rescue them from any scenario they might find themselves in, while extending the same level of safety and reassurance in return to their freediving buddy.


Freediving In Tenerife – A Winter Freediving Training Holiday

Freediving in Tenerife. Ever tried it? Ever wondered what a freediving holiday in Tenerife would be like? Well, it's a tough job, but this year myself and a fantastic group of freedivers decided to find out! So, did we like it? Would we recommend it? Find out what we got up to, and decide for yourself!

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