Learning Finning techniques on a Freediving Course

Learning finning techniques on a freediving course is not usually the highest priority students have when they undertake a course with us. Understandably many students are focused on breathing techniques and equalisation. However, as the course progresses they soon realise that efficient, well executed finning techniques can directly impact on their ability to dive longer and deeper and contribute to a far better freediving experience.


Advanced Courses in Freediving – The Next Step

Advanced Courses in freediving are specifically designed to drive certified entry level freedivers to the next level. Many students are very happy remaining as RAID freedivers, using their newly acquired skills for pleasure, relaxation or even work. But, as with all sports there are those who like to progress - whether to test (or find) their limits or simply as motivation to maintain and improve their skills and techniques. Freediving is no different. Here's what you need to know

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