Advanced Courses in Freediving – The Next Step

Advanced Courses in freediving are specifically designed to drive certified entry level freedivers to the next level. Many students are very happy remaining as RAID freedivers, using their newly acquired skills for pleasure, relaxation or even work. But, as with all sports there are those who like to progress - whether to test (or find) their limits or simply as motivation to maintain and improve their skills and techniques. Freediving is no different. Here's what you need to know


Freediving in a Quarry – A Top Venue For Teaching

Freediving in a quarry often conjures up images of clambering over awkward rock faces and dodgy barbed wire so that you can reach an uninspiring (and often very unsafe) expanse of water that has become the local dumping ground for fly-tippers, and for some reason, shopping trolleys. Find out why approved diving certified quarries are fast gaining popularity as teaching venues for freediving.



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