The Importance of Correct Weighting For Freediving

There are a number of reasons why learning the correct weighting for freediving is essential, particularly as the weighting you need will change, depending on the environment you are diving in. Finding the correct weighting for freediving depends on factors which include body weight, size and composition, the thickness of your suit, the depth of your dive, the water temperature and whether you are diving in fresh or salt water.


Top 5 Beginner Freediver Mistakes Anyone Can Make

When I learnt to freedive I thought I knew a little about the sport, but looking back, I realise now I knew nothing. I just jumped into the (30m) deep end, took a big breath and hoped for the best. However, I was different to most beginner freedivers, I didn’t make five beginner freediving mistakes. Oh no, my mistakes were in double figures…

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