Recycling Wetsuits – What Are The Options?

As a business I hire out A LOT of wetsuits. Of course, I ensure all of my wetsuits are kept clean and well maintained, but as with all wetsuits there comes a time when patching and fixing a suit is no longer viable and they have to be replaced. The question is, what do I do with the old ones? Recycling wetsuits is an option, but with so many ways to do it, which should I choose?


Peeing In Your Wetsuit – Pros, Cons and Everything You Need to Know!

It is estimated that over 90% of all wetsuit users (so our divers, surfers and other watersport enthusiasts) have peed, or choose to regularly pee, in their wetsuits! So, what are the pros and cons of peeing in your wetsuit, why do we do it and what are the alternatives?

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