Want to learn to scuba dive? Why you should learn to freedive first.

If you want to learn to Scuba dive, you may not have thought about learning to freedive first. However learning to freedive provides you with the techniques, skills and water confidence to learn how to scuba dive quicker, safer, and with more confidence. Learn more inside.


Recycling Wetsuits – What Are The Options?

As a business I hire out A LOT of wetsuits. Of course, I ensure all of my wetsuits are kept clean and well maintained, but as with all wetsuits there comes a time when patching and fixing a suit is no longer viable and they have to be replaced. The question is, what do I do with the old ones? Recycling wetsuits is an option, but with so many ways to do it, which should I choose?


What is Mask Squeeze – And Why Does It Happen?

Whether you freedive or scuba dive, the chances are you heard of, seen, or unfortunately experienced, mask squeeze - or face squeeze as it is sometimes known. Though for anyone who has experienced it, it feels more like a mask suck than a mask squeeze! So what is it and why does it happen?


Peeing In Your Wetsuit – Pros, Cons and Everything You Need to Know!

It is estimated that over 90% of all wetsuit users (so our divers, surfers and other watersport enthusiasts) have peed, or choose to regularly pee, in their wetsuits! So, what are the pros and cons of peeing in your wetsuit, why do we do it and what are the alternatives?


Underwater Photography and Freediving – Kimmo Lahtinen

Continuing our Underwater Photography and freediving series we speak with keen freediver and underwater photographer Kimmo Lahtinen of FREEXPERIENCE, to find out more about what led him to underwater photography and freediving and what advice he would give to any aspiring photographers.



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