When Is The Best Time To Do A Freediving Course?

The best time to do a freediving course depends on many factors. These factors can range from age, general health, fitness, mental wellbeing, through to location, time of year and even which course providers are available at any given time. If you are wondering when the best time to do a freediving course is for YOU, read this blog.


Midweek Freediving Courses With Go Freediving

Midweek freediving courses have been offered by Go Freediving for a number of years and are very popular. If you've been thinking about starting freediving or even progressing, but just haven't found the right course, midweek freediving courses may be the answer.


Red Sea Freediving Holiday

We went to the Red Sea in March where we were whisked straight to the Whirlwind and set off for a week of amazing Red Sea freediving. But don't let me tell you all about it, watch our awesome video and read what everyone else had to say! Find out why they came, what they thought of the trip and if they would recommend it!



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